Welcome to Urban Forum
The Urban Forum is a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement on urbanisation in Namibia, Southern Africa and beyond.
Through this website, we will provide more information about upcoming and past events. To receive more information, please write to urbanforum@nust.na
Namibia’s Urban Future was first initiated in 2015 as cross-institutional platform with the shared interest to explore, analyse and debate urbanization in Namibia. With reference to the country’s history and its socio-spatial legacies, contemporary urbanization is understood as a trans-disciplinary challenge that can only be re-directed if the complexity of the production of space is actively re-thought.
The initiative was launched in the presence of Sophia Shaningwa, when she was Minister of Urban and Rural Development, and her Excellency the First Lady of Namibia, Monica Geingos, with the overall question: “How can economic inclusion be facilitated through the progressive re-structuring of cities?”
About ILMI
The Integrated Land Management Institute is a centre of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences (FNRSS) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) committed to develop reputable and multidisciplinary research and public outreach activities in the field of land administration, property, architecture and spatial planning. http://ilmi.nust.na/